About Me


Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science

Ace Fitness Certified Personal Trainer

CPR/ AED Certified

Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (NESTA)

Certified Wellness and Holistic Nutritional Consultant (American College of Healthcare Sciences)

Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (NASM)

Competitive Body Builder since 2006


Luther Williams

Personal Trainer

My name is Luther Williams, devoted personal trainer, and owner of Luther’s Locker. 

Most people have had some level of physical challenge or struggle in their life; even me. Whether battling with a life-threatening illness or plummeting personal confidence issues, physical fitness can become a pivotal component in the journey through life’s challenges. Self-improvement has been my personal motivation from the beginning.

Now, what began as a method for maximizing the limitations of my physical stature has become a pillar of intrinsic motivation to improve every areas of my life.  Accomplishing small physical goals continue to motivate me to maximize my efforts for a grand outcome I’ve yet to realize.

I understand that many consumers who are in the market for assistance with their physical fitness challenges have ambitions that differ from my own. You don’t necessarily aspire to have an extremely muscular physique, run a marathon or revolve your entire livelihood around exercise; however, I have yet to meet one individual who doesn’t want to become the best physical version of his or herself. Allow me to introduce you to that person.


Numbers Speak For Themselves

Satisfied Clients
Years of Experience